living body in a digital space

We aim to resist the rapid digitalization of humankind, exploring the opportunities arising to the practitioners of embodied presence.

We view the body as a tangible and visible projection of a human being in the material world. Everyone is already a message - a unique combination of features and limitations

We intend to stay alive as long as possible
A practice to train attention and awareness, to get in touch with all the senses and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state
Motion forces and their complexes, systematized for the physical development of the human being.
May include strength, aerobic and stretching exercises.
A general term that refers to a group of body-based approaches to treatment that emphasize manipulation and realignment of the body's structure in order to improve its function
An execution of an action. I
ncludes a sense of personal control, adaptive focus on action, a sense of space and time, and absence of fear.
A wide range of movement performance practices, aiming to unleash the potential of authentic and ergonomic movement of the human body
A form of improvised movement that involves the exploration of one's body in relationship to others by sharing weight, touch, and movement awareness
We are open
For collaborations with educators, artists and institutions.

We create:

- 4 events in different countries during a year
- Educational and supportive embodiment programs
- Global community of somatic practicioners

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